However not quite all there

I have run.

I have crawled.

I have scaled these city walls. 

I have dealt with the busyness of the stupid mall. 

I no longer blame you for the fall, but I still can't get up the courage to call. 

It just feels like you built this freaking wall!

I believe in your love. 

I believe in your grace and helping hand, 

But I still haven't been able to follow it quite yet. 

I would like to... 

Why can't the process be smooth? 

I believe in all of that. 

I believe you can bring all the pieces together, 

But I just haven't been able to get up the strength to be willing.

I just feel stuck in the muck. 

I can't even make an extra buck. 

I thought you were in love with me, 

Supposed to be as light as a feather. 

Why doesn't it make me feel better? 

I haven't been able to give up control. 

I'm afraid of the outcome or possibly discovering the mole.

In the back of my head I know you are good, 

But why do I feel like a lump of coal? 

Sometimes I just want the control. 

I don't want to be boxed in. 

I'm afraid of losing my identity if I tried to follow yours.

I am not only afraid of being boxed in, 

But I am also afraid of being boxed out… 

I love you and I trust you, 

But part of me just can't let go of these tights.

I feel like I will be judged for having my relationship with you,

Or for it not being the way everyone else believes the relationship should be.

It just seems like...

I still haven't found what I'm looking for: you know?