Is it all a waste?!

I have always had super big out-of-the-box crazy ambitions, dreams,  plans for my future est.

I have always had these Big Dreams and ambitions but with no clear idea or thoughts on how the hell I am supposed to do that! Like, "where do I even start?" "How am I going to get there?" "Who do I talk to?" Where do I go from here?"

Is hoping that I start a business one day and wanting to start one without having any clear direction on what I want to do and what business I am going to create a good idea?

 Is hoping people who read my blog, get inspired by it, and influence the world a waste of time?"

 "Is putting the work into trying to make barely enough money to get by a waste of time?"

I don't know the answer to any of these questions, and I don't know what will happen in my life. I don't know if your dreams are going to happen. I don't know if it will be a waste of time to have those dreams or not.

 But I know I'm not going to stop trying, growing, learning, and having goals, Even if you have no idea where you're going to go or how you will get there. I realize I need to jump into things and start doing.

I am not going to try something just because it may end up not coming true! 

Over the past few months, I've been down on myself because I have felt like I have not been getting anywhere, with my blog, with my business, with moving out e c t. I felt like no one will read my blog, and it's not going to reach as many people as I would like. I have felt like I'm not getting any closer to having a business.

I'm going to keep fighting and keep pushing! I am going to keep making my dreams crazier and maybe rearrange goals if necessary. One of your dreams is going to happen! Your dreams and your goals might be crazy! But your ambition and your drive, the will to succeed, the will to better your life, and the choice to do any possible it's even crazier, and you can make it happen!

Your dreams might not happen, and it may feel like a waste, and in some sense, that might be true, and it might happen, but overall, you will learn a lot from it either way and grow a lot.